In addition to the specific units named above, bearskins are worn by limited categories of other military personnel with ceremonial functions.
This group is identified as the limited category and makes up 25 percent of the total controller population.
The money could only be used for limited categories of use in keeping with its sacred status.
It sounds like a limited category, but actually it's a rich one - thanks to an unfortunate episode in court for John D. Rockefeller.
The main reasons for Krauss's emergence within this hitherto limited category are very simple-her voice and her musicianship.
The vows and pledges being annulled by this ceremony are of a limited category.
The regulations would "push plan design into two limited categories," neither of which applies to the Reynolds design, she said.
Certain "well-defined and narrowly limited" categories of speech fall outside the bounds of constitutional protection.
The Council includes in this limited category:
After all, how much of a limited category of foods can you eat before you find yourself eating less and less?