A limited array of verifiable sales from concert venues is also tabulated.
Although possessing a limited array of offensive moves, Nelbert has showed he can do it as well on offense.
When fitting the most data into a limited array of pixels, as in the fifth image, sinc function anti-aliasing would seem appropriate.
The wine list has a limited but well-chosen array of fairly priced wines, with a tilt toward California.
This approach permitted companies to focus more on design and development with a limited array of new content and technologies in a program.
But co-op shareholders and condominium owners in similar circumstances face a more limited array of alternatives.
He worked slowly, painstakingly, in a limited array of genres.
Such languages would be functionally synthetic, but make use of a very limited array of morphemes (perhaps just a few hundred).
Even large physical objects like stars consist of a rather limited array of parts, more or less haphazardly arranged.
Adding to the difficulties is the limited array of tools available to the State Department.