Officials in Costa Rica are taking steps to limit visits to some rain forest reserves.
Current law has generally been interpreted to limit such visits to five days a week for two or three weeks.
Some of the people who live in the coastal towns that have had their economies transformed by the cruise ship industry are trying to limit visits.
Another proposal would save an estimated $30 million by establishing a system to limit excessive visits to doctors or hospitals by Medicaid recipients.
By nature a man of moderation and thrift, he would limit visits to places like the Royal Club to occasions of celebration.
"We have even offered to limit visits to evening or weekends," Ms. Bernstein said.
In a decidedly un-family-values move, the administration has also limited visits to Cuba by Cuban-Americans to once every three years.
They also propose ways of limiting unnecessary visits.
Like the Kennedys, the Reagans chose to create a little mystery by strictly limiting overnight visits.
But do not limit visits to the pizzeria.