Unlike the frequency domain approach, the use of the state space representation is not limited to systems with linear components and zero initial conditions.
The tranquility principle limits its applicability to systems where security levels do not change dynamically.
When limiting to systems, a general accepted definition is:
This even holds if we limit the input to finite systems.
Crowdfunding in the U.S. is currently limited to the pledge- or donations-based systems.
The new draft resolution limits the weapons ban to large-size arms, military systems and unconventional weapons.
It is not limited to digital systems and can even be created with passive audio transformers or analog amplifiers.
Detailed mechanistic studies have so far been limited to individual systems, and their findings have not been of demonstrable predictive use.
Although this model is conceptually helpful, its mathematical formulation makes several assumptions that limit its applicability to real systems.
Asthenia may be limited to certain organs or systems of organs, as in asthenopia, characterized by ready fatiguability.