Price premiums that consumers might overlook can limit profits in a restaurant.
The developer must agree to limit profits to 10 percent of cost.
The commission voted unanimously for the revised proposal, which would replace the current regulatory system that limits profits from long-distance business.
The changes to bank regulation could ultimately enhance China's long-term growth prospects, but higher rates may limit profits for companies and countries involved in the Chinese market.
Except in family-style restaurants, the lack of a liquor license can severely limit profits.
The high cost of the savings and loan bailout may also have made Congress more reluctant to limit profits that strengthen the capital bases of banks.
Owners of Mitchell-Lama apartments have received low interest mortgages and tax abatements in return for an agreement to limit profits.
To guarantee that the housing will remain moderately priced, the proposed law would require deed restrictions to limit profits when owners resold their houses.
In such a case, Federal and state taxes, which do not apply to state-run lotteries, would sharply limit profits.
In exchange, they would limit profits to 6 percent and keep rents down.