The pipeline system is controlled by a government agency, Transneft, that limits exports to 30 percent of production.
Capacity constraints are a basic structural problem in the economy that limits exports.
And we have attempted to limit exports of our technology so that our creative efforts would benefit us, not others.
The other provision would limit exports from new refineries to 70,000 barrels a day or half of total production.
Now, after a long fight to limit exports of products banned or restricted in the exporting countries, environmental groups appear to have made some gains.
Or should we just limit exports to Sweden?
"To limit exports means limiting production, and no one will go for that now," one oil company representative said.
Even in the south, power failures and other technical problems have limited exports, with serious implications for Iraq's budget, which depends almost entirely on oil.
The bill would limit exports of oil from new refineries to 70,000 barrels a day.
Japan has said it will continue to limit exports to 2.3 million cars in the fiscal year starting April 1.