"Why hasn't the Mayor responded to Hillary's proposal last month to limit soft money and independent expenditures from the race?"
All of Iraq's legitimate oil income is deposited in an escrow account that is managed by the Security Council, which limits expenditures to civilian purposes.
In his campaign manifesto, Mr. Clinton said he wanted to "establish an annual health budget for the nation to limit both public and private expenditures."
Would have limited campaign contributions and expenditures, broadened financial-disclosure requirements and made it easier for insurgent candidates to get on the ballot.
"The plus is that it is a first step that may limit soft-money expenditures; it may in fact work," Mr. Berger said.
He suggests that citizens ask legislators to support publicly funded elections, to limit and make transparent independent political expenditures, and to reaffirm that "unalienable rights" belong to natural persons only.
On military spending, Mr. Dukakis's position is that the next President, whoever he is, will have no choice but to limit expenditures because the amount of money available will be restricted.
Above all, it implemented policies to limit colonial expenditures and secure the remission to Spain of the largest surpluses possible.
Oregon Ballot Measure 47 would have limited or prohibited certain political campaign contributions and expenditures.
Current law requires reporting of certain contributions and expenditures, but does not limit contributors, contributions to, or expenditures for public office candidates.