Under the proposal, candidates would be given some public funds for their campaigns in return for agreeing to limit spending, among other things.
For example, he said, little has been done to crack down on insider trading or to limit cross-shareholdings among sister companies.
How would you limit television viewing among your children?
This would greatly limit the party's pull among the working classes.
Numerous food taboos also limit food choice, particularly among pregnant women, children, and the sick.
And that is likely to limit enthusiasm among the 250 institutions and the few thousand individuals with enough cash to trade bond futures.
Some nonprofit groups were concerned that the combination might limit competition among vendors.
Nóbrega was unable to limit slavery among the Portuguese so he chose separation instead.
Any moves towards further taxation on fuel or services would limit free competition among new airlines and airports.
In September 2012, the city passed a law limiting the practice of circumcision among orthodox Jews.