The falls are quite spectacular during wet weather, as thousands of gallons of water cascade over the series of broad limestone steps.
We walked up the white limestone steps to a massive arched oak door with wrought-iron strap hinges.
He descended a series of limestone steps, then perched on a boulder to unbuckle his maroon senatorial shoes.
On the north (rear) elevation is a full-width one-story porch on a concrete foundation with limestone steps.
Then Josh led us on a brisk ascent of the limestone steps, into the column-lined entryway, through the metal detectors, and onto the elevator.
Horatio stormed up a flight of limestone steps and wheeled through French doors into his palace.
The 2000 odd limestone steps were probably meant for elephants.
A claustrophobic passage leads to a narrow stairwell, the limestone steps of which are slick from the humidity.
In the last lap, as Nys grabbed the lead to go up the limestone steps.
Visitors descend a well of diffused light, down limestone steps, as if entering a vault.