Second floor windows are ornamented by a flat limestone lintel with keystone.
The buildings are similar in appearance with brown brick exteriors, contrasting limestone lintels, belt-coursing and columns flanking the main entrances.
The doorway is topped by a glass transom with a triangular pattern and a limestone lintel.
The most remarkable surviving detail is a limestone lintel bearing two monumental statues of goddesses, seated facing each other.
Many of its doors are paneled wood with limestone lintels.
The home's windows are wood with wooden frames and mostly casement style, most of the first floor windows are topped with plain gray limestone lintels.
The structure is made of red brick with gray limestone lintels.
The last thing she'd done before leaving the kitchen of the Captain's Rest was to touch up the blade on the smooth limestone lintel.
The building's exterior was a distinctive yellow brick called buff brick, accented by limestone lintels and trim.
The northernmost window remains from the 1889 addition with a limestone lintel.