The fresh tartare was marinated in lime rind and olive oil and set over a papaya salsa.
The basic recipe uses a base mix of flour, key lime rind, margarine, and powdered sugar, which is oven-baked.
I believe he actually dropped one friend because the man insisted on putting in an olive rather than a twist of lime rind.
One baby, paralyzed on rigid legs, abruptly rooted at the lime rind, and wheeled and fled, crying.
Another lime rind is added to the pile.
Squeeze juice of 2 limes into pot, then toss in lime rinds.
Add lime rind and half the juice.
Combine the scallions, lime rind, mint, basil and coriander.
Capers and tomatoes add a Mediterranean flair to the salmon, while lime rind brings a subtle hint of citrus.
If it is impossible to find lemon grass, a substitute is a mixture of grated lime rind and lemon juice.