Of the issues likely to draw serious attention from Congress this year, managed health care would seem to be particularly ripe for action.
Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful, likely due to underlying cardiac issues.
The issue most likely to doom the plan is access for the handicapped.
For the truth is that the issues most likely to divide the country in coming years will remain, at heart, more political and moral than technological.
Some technology stocks moved higher, as the market sorted out those issues likely to maintain their huge first-half earnings gains.
Another issue likely to crop up this week is the practice of "patent flooding."
The issue most likely to shape the presidential contest here, though, is the environment.
Another issue likely to be debated is whether teacher evaluations should be given the greatest weight in the decisions on who gets held back.
Unfortunately, for bond fund investors, the issues with higher yields are also the issues most likely to be retired quickly when interest rates fall.
The problem presented by illegal immigrants emerged during Georgia's 2006 legislative session as an issue likely to have a large impact on the gubernatorial campaign.