Though her book was not universally well received (according to Patterson, the Orange Country Register refused to write about the book), it struck a chord with like-minded readers.
He first addresses, in the first-person plural, an audience of like-minded readers or perhaps humans in general.
At various times and places, groups of like-minded readers and scholars have developed, shared, and promoted specific approaches to poetry analysis.
For all its polemical ambitions, this book is addressed to like-minded readers.
Now we are trying to appeal to like-minded readers in other cities.
Amazon's customer reviews allowed like-minded readers to communicate directly.
The friendships that develop between like-minded readers are almost as critical to the trip as an author's participation.
Then I find several like-minded readers have enthused about Brend Hotels, a small group of large holiday hotels.
He started by writing articles encouraging like-minded readers to join him in the formation of groups who would provide food and entertainment for the children forced to live in industrial slums.
Individuals simply wrote pages on subjects that interested them - and then like-minded readers would add new facts or fix errors.