These advocates strongly adhere to the notion that consumers are more inclined to believe feedback from like-minded peers than corporate marketing verbiage dispersed through traditional television, radio, direct mail, or newspaper advertising.
Otherwise what we have is 'script kiddies' joining cultish hacker groups in order to learn more and engage with like-minded peers.
Ski Club Freshtracks ( has more than 25 holidays for mature skiers of varying standards who want to be with like-minded peers.
Painkiller as the first local institution took the opportunity and enacted a great show for all metal fans and like-minded peers in the scene.
Some of the mental health programs involve recreational activities and groups for teen-agers with like-minded and supportive peers.
These groups sponsor industry-specific networking events (Healthcare Club and Hi-Tech Club) to help students learn about the latest industry trends or to find like-minded peers.
Other on-campus housing is the site of several different FYE Learning Communities, which allow freshmen to live and study with like-minded or like-majored peers.
Ms. David and her like-minded peers are putting a lot of money behind the push.
For her and others, finding like-minded peers has been something of a revelation.
HRMAC Interest Groups provide a forum for HR professionals to connect with like-minded peers through the over 50 educational/networking events each year.