It was established in 1995, by a group of like-minded citizens in Karachi.
Many people here, supported by like-minded citizens across Germany, are demanding to know why one of their most cherished symbols is being banished from schools.
Influenced by the writings of Rousseau, and by the American Revolution, Tiradentes joined with a number of like-minded citizens in the Inconfidência Mineira.
Under this umbrella organization, Apperson gained a degree of unanimity as well as an implied widespread assemblage of like-minded citizens whose influence he could wield as the situation demanded.
Are there any other like-minded citizens in the neighborhood?
A Campaign for Change Aliran, which means "flow" or "trend" in Malay, was founded in 1977 by Mr. Chandra, a political scientist, and six like-minded citizens.
Mrs. Conetta, along with her husband, Jerry, and several like-minded citizens, picketed the strip joint, the Diamond Club, for nine years.
Above all, in the political tradition to which I belong, political parties are voluntary associations of like-minded citizens.
All the better that they should now become voluntary associations of like-minded citizens collaborating right across this great continent.
Mr. Pepe and several like-minded citizens of Altamura, a city of 65,000 residents, made up one wing of the army.