The car was a classic Chapman design, being extremely light and simple; the body was made up of lightweight panels bolted to heavily-triangulated tube frame (almost spaceframe) chassis.
And that it's used in the assembly of lightweight solar panels.
Roomy enough to fit most 15-inch laptops, the three-pound bag, with adjustable padded computer sleeves, includes three lightweight solar panels that generate up to four watts of power.
In this role, CIGS has the advantages of being able to be deposited on flexible substrate materials, producing highly flexible, lightweight solar panels.
It consists of lightweight narrow panels that interlock edge to edge without the need for tools.
But that's not all, we've got lightweight armoured panels made from some new composite under the floor, around the sides and behind the seat.
All flooring is made from lightweight movable panels, under which lies a comprehensive network of power, telecommunication, and air-conditioning systems.
"Contractor orders lightweight panels for Marine Base Camp shelter".
Its most unusual feature is a roof of lightweight synthetic panels.
The bra has lightly padded cups, bones and lightweight elastic panels.