What's not to like about a slim, lightweight machine with a good screen and long battery life?
Designed as a lightweight machine for the road, the MM20 weighs two pounds and is just slightly more than a half-inch thick.
Its place would be taken by inexpensive, lightweight machines powerful enough to run a Web browser.
I.B.M. displayed two new notebook computers today, making its long-awaited debut in the American market for the lightweight machines.
The new lightweight machines analyze heart rhythms, decide whether a shock is needed and give simple voice instructions.
Honda kept the name but added the prefix 'Super' for the all-new lightweight machine.
The lightweight machines were introduced in mid-October.
The ease of use, and basically non-existent risk of injury with such a lightweight machine makes it a perfectly versatile machine for the whole family.
Bowns Limited, the company behind the Aeolus, built lightweight machines under their own name after 1945.
They're nice-looking, lightweight machines with some neat features.