Quentin felt a thrill of excitement as lightning tore the sky in a jagged flash.
Thunder crashed around them now as lightning tore through the heavy black clouds.
When the lightning tore the dark wall open for an instant, Richard saw Kahlan.
The young novice left at once and disappeared in the darkness, which was profound when the lightning did not tear the sky.
Overhead lights flickered, sometimes dimming, as lightning tore into power lines and relay stations.
Ever and again the lightning tore aside the darkness.
The lightning had torn an enormous hole in the roof; she glanced at Padrik, only to see that he was just as surprised as everyone else.
Elspeth winced as lightning tore jaggedly at the sky, and quickly took another deep gulp of her wine.
Except when lightning tore across the sky, it was almost night-dark.
Simultaneously, thunder and lightning tore the black clouds apart, multiplying the deafening effect of the bombardment.