The miniature lightnings faded within the circle.
Another lightning-flash showed them clearly laying furiously about them with their pikes; and they kept fighting, even as the lightning faded.
Grant blinked his eyes as the lightning faded.
The lightning faded, and the banks of clouds began to look less solidly threatening.
The lightnings faded, then vanished.
The lightnings faded and died with the last Shadowspawn; the spinning mass imploded with a loud clap of in rushing air.
The storm died to the same dull rain they'd coped with for the length of the Faire; the lightning faded away, leaving them in the dark.
When the lightning faded its eyes gleamed for a while.
Before the lightning faded, the man saw Will coming and redoubled his efforts to pull his leg free.
But as quickly as the lightning faded, their youth fled once again.