Jaguar held out her left hand, which was lightly stained.
At the other extreme are the assemblages of Sherron Francis: various-size slabs of wood lightly stained with color and fixed together in a kind of fan shape or longer, thinner shapes whitened and varnished and bunched up as if they were a bundle of sticks arrested in flight.
It was there, his jewel, the spruce a wonderful shade of gold, lightly stained to suit Padrone Serafino's tastes toward the end.
There are still personal mementos, like a calling card, lightly stained and slightly crumpled, on the carpet of the executive suite: "Michael Philipp.
One ecru-colored chiffon, for example, looked as though it had been lightly stained in coffee.
Following staining, areas of inhibition are visualized as dark bands against a clear (or lightly stained) background.
Lightly stained a nicotine brown and topped by two male actors who could steal a movie from a basket of mewling kittens and an army of rosy-cheeked orphans, the film is as calculating and glossy a hard-luck tale as any cooked up on the old M-G-M lot.
Some passers-by looked oddly at her, not because there was anything unusual about the sight of a naked Flier in the streets of Jorslem, but because the sunlight was so strong and her transparent wings, so lightly stained with pigment, were evidently nightwings incapable of withstanding the pressure of the solar wind.
"I'm really not interested in politics," said Mr. Hatta, a grizzled 63-year-old snack peddler whose white smock was lightly stained.
The Exxon crew, working inch by inch from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M., turns jet-black areas that were heavily stained back into naturally gray ones that are lightly stained.