The monitoring center, on the edge of Baghdad, is lightly guarded.
Their fuel can be used to make crude nuclear bombs and is typically guarded lightly, if at all.
The park, however, was lightly guarded, and there they climbed the wall without many problems.
Further inspection showed the gate to be lightly guarded and inadequately defended.
The snowflakes moved, as they had before, to supply coverage to heavily attacked areas, leaving others more lightly guarded.
He should never have left the Lady Blue so lightly guarded!
You are only lightly guarded; you can shake them off.
Until this morning the airfield had been lightly guarded and accessible to the public.
Jessica's father, like most men in his position in the Province, was watched much of the time, kept an eye on, lightly guarded.
Strange that the ships should be guarded so lightly!