Continue cooking over low heat, covered, until all the vegetables are tender and lightly glazed.
Cook about 7 minutes until carrots are tender, the liquid has evaporated and the carrots are lightly glazed.
Pop them into a heavy pan lightly glazed with oil, cook over medium-high heat for a couple of minutes, and you have beautiful, delicious, golden potatoes.
Both the baked chopped clams spiked with oregano and stuffed mushrooms lightly glazed with melted cheese are full flavored.
It had been a clear day, with no snowfall, and all the cars were lightly glazed with frost.
Asparagus lightly glazed with Parmesan cheese was a terrific a la carte vegetable one evening.
He greeted her with his eager charming innocent look while she was still she thought lightly glazed with the animal-chemical secretions of lovemaking.
(The water is added merely to keep the onions from sticking at the beginning; the onions should be lightly glazed).
Koo's broiled black cod, lightly glazed in Saikyo miso sauce, was delectable and silky.
Another bellringer was the mound of sliced portobello mushrooms lightly glazed with Gorgonzola cheese, piled atop baby spinach leaves.