All the same, a second man, an attacker, could not be lightly discarded.
Flies were too expensive to be discarded lightly.
"3,000 years of human history shouldn't be discarded so lightly," is Mitt's peroration, and he smiles as if that's a killer argument.
His supporters either think no action is the best answer or see him as a comfortable old shoe not to be lightly discarded.
But no thing of power is to be lightly discarded.
A ship with a cloaking device- even a vessel this small- was a prize not to be discarded lightly.
"Principles which have stood that test of time should not be lightly discarded."
An oath given and accepted isn't so lightly discarded, mistress.
A camera was not to be discarded lightly.
It should not be lightly discarded or unbundled.