This simple, yet inefficient, technology has dominated lighting applications ever since.
It is commonly used in lighting applications that require minimal glare and uniform general illuminance levels.
Other lighting applications include occupancy sensors, light sensors and key card switches.
Due to their greater efficiency, gas-discharge lamps are replacing incandescent lights in many lighting applications.
Lightwright is a spreadsheet/database program created specifically for theatrical lighting applications.
Lanterns designed as permanently mounted electric lighting fixtures are used in interior, landscape, and civic lighting applications.
Fluorescent lamps are just one lighting application of a gas discharge tube.
He and his team developed and patented much of the technology for lighting applications, including the Ryan-Lite reflector-equipped headlamp.
High grade light fixtures from commercial roadway fixtures to decorative post top fixtures are used for lighting applications.
Up until recently, LEDs were too expensive to use for most lighting applications because they're built around advanced semiconductor material.