According to Casey, she has a "lighthearted way of dealing with Casey's many problems".
He writes about life and conscious living in a lighthearted and down-to-earth way.
Some people view gossip as a lighthearted way of spreading information.
The show is successful, in her view, because it "takes real-life things and deals with them in a lighthearted way."
In a lighthearted way, it also examines the social changes and attitudes that determined the shapes underwear took.
During the morning the digging proceeded in a lighthearted and intermittent way.
In his own lighthearted way, Mangini was being serious.
That is why some ads try to get the message across in an almost lighthearted way.
Soon, however, things go wrong for the do-gooders, possibly because no one could think of a lighthearted way to get them out of their mess.
"You do have a talent for presenting the possibility of a horrible death in a lighthearted way."