This romantic comedy features beautiful rustic scenery, a lighthearted story and a fresh cast.
The horses ate and rested while Sebastian and Jennsen told each other lighthearted stories from their youth.
"Ridiculist" presents more lighthearted and humorous stories and often airs near the end of the program.
Still, the pictures are fun to look at, and the lighthearted story makes 1909 seem not so long ago.
An amNewYork article suggested that the news environment at the time created a perfect opening for such a lighthearted story.
Speer similarly summarized, "If there's something that might hold you back from enjoying the game, it's the lighthearted and somewhat goofy story.
It is a lighthearted story about a boxing scam.
Even a lighthearted story such as "Crisis of the Month" can have plenty of conflict in it.
By the end, what started as a lighthearted story has dealt with primal fear, evil, forgiveness, Old Testament justice and a community's catharsis.
Such experience was bound to add weight to even the most lighthearted stories.