Rays of light strike down Roman soldiers, and Jesus greets the two women, who kneel to adore him.
The opalescence which claims attention arises when rays of light strike thin films having an optical density differing from that of the main mass.
Even a light nuclear strike would kill most of these people, and the rest wouldn't have the resources for a successful hibernation.
He concluded that it "emits light from those portions of its surface which the sun's light strikes."
These constructs of pure light strike with tendrils of prismatic force.
A sudden spear of light strikes across the distempered roof timbers.
A. The difference lies in the layers of cells at the back of the eyeball, where the flash of light strikes.
These are stun settings one, two, and three, one being the lightest strike.
A light shines from the fell, and from that light strike bolts of lightning.
Lancing rays of light strike down on all from the Eye of God at the apex.