At one point a young man shuffles the length of the lot, sits on the concrete base of a light stanchion and apparently drowses off.
The stadium also features light stanchions that allow for night games, a cannon for firing when Rutgers scores, concessions, and restrooms.
At a fork in the walk he paused against a light stanchion to survey the area to his rear.
As he looked, Remo was walking away from the nearest light stanchion.
Remo leaned against a light stanchion, facing the front of the hotel, waiting for Maggie to appear.
When the final out was shown, white draping over a light stanchion in left-center field fell.
The retaining walls are faced with natural stone, not concrete, and the light stanchions arch as elegantly as a giraffe's neck.
Outdoors, unprepared drivers compete to skid into light stanchions.
They cleared cars and light stanchions from the top deck of Tulane's eight-story garage and set up a makeshift helipad.
Many of the seats and the light stanchions were reused at Cheney Stadium in Tacoma, Washington.