King Gustav III appointed him to command the light squadron and to be his principal naval adviser.
Coghlan commanded Elk for nearly four years and during this time was also senior officer of a light squadron that protected the Bahamas.
The Venetians had taken up the buoys which marked the fairway, and had placed a light squadron on the lagoon.
The Crusader was replaced in the main line of battle and used for "light squadrons" trying to flank the enemy when it engaged the heavier units.
Next he placed a call to his division's light armored squadron, already in ready status.
With her he commanded a light squadron in Quiberon Bay where she "greatly molested the enemy."
Eumenes dispersed this force with a flanking attack of his own light cavalry squadrons brought over from his left flank.
He was given command of a light squadron, with his flag on the frigate Carmagnole.
In 1812 Espoir was part of a light squadron in the Archipelago.
A light squadron was also posted off East Anglia, to move north to support Byng or south to assist Vernon, as the situation demanded.