But enough for-" "Consistent with what might be deposited from a light scratch?
Well, maybe that light scratch had somehow been lucky for the man who was to rise from commoner to prince-maybe it had even brought him his exalted rank.
The captain of the Samho Jewelry survived a gunshot wound to the stomach while three navy personnel suffered "light scratches".
Daniel knew how truly dangerous even the lightest scratch from a carnivore's teeth or claws could be, if untreated.
It can cause unconsciousness with even a light scratch.
For really stubborn deposits and light scratches I use Brasso metal polish.
"Even the lightest scratch of the veneer reveals that there is little substance behind these figures," the report said.
I had been following tracks, light scratches of hooves, impassible to identify, and I must have fallen asleep riding.
A furniture cleaner may also erase very light scratches, cloudy patches and white or light-colored stains (dark stains usually indicate penetration of the wood).
A magnifying glass may show a few light scratches or marks where other coins have rubbed against them.