A common variation of the appletini is the "Rumpletini", with a light rum in place of the vodka.
The Georgia Peach recipe replaces vodka with light rum.
The base liquor is usually light rum but vodka may be partially or completely substituted as a matter of taste.
Puerto Rican brands of rum - light, dark, and aged - are best-sellers.
A plume of lighter rum rose and spread out quickly over the surface, drawing up more rum from below.
A Shanghai buck is made with light rum.
The majority of light rums come from Puerto Rico.
Distillers who make lighter rums, such as Bacardi, prefer to use faster-working yeasts.
As part of this blending process, light rums may be filtered to remove any color gained during aging.
Inexpensive, clear light rums are best used as mixers.