"Shoppers are going to be shocked when they see how much fat some of these 'light' products contain."
In fact, these light products taste like pudding, not yogurt.
Third World countries have long served as a market for Chinese agricultural and light industrial products.
He said the volume of the lighter products was much greater than the more dense crude after cracking.
When traders thought supplies were short, they quickly bid up the price of the light products far more than the heavy.
One "light" product that will not be affected by the new rules is beer.
Very large, small, heavy, or light products require varying degrees of manual handling.
They help to keep the structure open while adding substance and weight to what can be an inconveniently light product.
The light product costs the same as the regular, from $1.45 to $2.45 a serving, depending on the size.
Even the plant which cracks heavy into light products is currently in surplus.