The service car, made from light polished oak, has no seat and is only 3 inches deep.
The layers of varnish applied over the years to the woodwork were removed, and finished to allow the light oak to show.
Buy a new mantle for the fireplace, something in light oak.
His eyes are the color of light oak, and he has meticulously combed graying hair.
The third-class compartment was almost exactly similar, except the woods used here were polished teak and light oak.
All the offices and passages are made up with bowed windows and light oak finishing.
Beyond the second door was a large, sunlit room furnished in light oak.
The laboratories are furnished in light oak with light gray table tops.
It was a large, square room furnished in light oak.
Helen had set her heart on a country kitchen and chose an L-shape layout in units of light oak.