As its name implies, the image on an electrically addressed spatial light modulator is created and changed electronically, as in most electronic displays.
Those chunks, in turn, are what the spatial light modulator displays for the transfer to the hologram.
Combine this with spatial light modulators, like those used in projection systems, and you have the makings of a nice, individually addressable 2-D memory array.
You can see Lerner's pictures of "light modulators," white sheets of paper that have slits cut into them and then are twisted into three-dimensional sculptures.
Some intended applications for the new absorbers include emitters, sensors, spatial light modulators, infrared camouflage, wireless communication, and use in thermophotovoltaics.
Bell's own description of the light modulator:
For this reason, light modulators are called external light modulators.
This sort of modulation is called direct modulation, as opposed to the external modulation performed by a light modulator.
For this reason light modulators are, e.g. in fiber optic communications, called external light modulators.
The advantages of microscanners compared to macroscopic light modulators such as galvanometer scanners are based upon their small size, low weight and minimum power consumption.