Sigrid has expertise in cell, developmental and molecular biology and advanced light microscopy.
Polarized light microscopy is used extensively in optical mineralogy.
Polarized light microscopy can be used both with reflected (incident or epi) and transmitted light.
The droplets are refractive to light and visible with light microscopy.
For light microscopy, paraffin wax is most frequently used.
Another method is light microscopy of urine samples.
The advantage of electron microscopy over light microscopy is the ability to view the targeted areas at their subcellular level.
By light microscopy, the basement membrane is observed to be diffusely thickened.
Using light microscopy, it appears as a bar at the apical surface of the cell, wherein the structures listed cannot be resolved.
Conodonts may be identified by experts using light microscopy such that they can be used to index a given sample with good resolution.