"He would just light a fire under you once in a while."
A fire was lit in his heart that wouldn't go out for a long time.
These would be lit in the morning and put out after the evening service.
Another light was lit in the building, and it seemed to be moving around.
Both these places lit his interest in the natural world.
At night a fire was lit in the top part of the structure.
When just the touch of him lit a fire in her blood.
Near the end of the month, the building was lighted in green.
He had to light an oil lamp in order to continue his search.
The structures were ready and the light was lit in late 1878.
There was rather more light in the room the next time he woke.
No matter how much is served, they will be relatively light and low in fat.
It was light in color, I can tell you that much.
He's not light on his mental feet, particularly in a situation like this.
The gray eyes, very light in the night, looked down.
Both are light in weight and not hard to work with.
It'll be light in a few hours and with the rain we may never see him again.
Despite its size, the bill is extremely light in weight.
She was even lighter in his arms than he had expected.
A point of white light high in the east, slowly setting.