The room was faintly lighted by the reflection of the city against the night sky.
Wide double doors led into a faintly lit access corridor.
Currently, he was watching the faintly lit home of a fifty-thousand-dollar man.
It was deserted but still faintly lit by the small blue pilot bulb.
She was faintly lit by the reflection of the city lights, and seemed almost ephemeral.
I looked through the windows at Ammendorf which, tonight, was lit faintly by the moon.
It was faintly lit by dying rushlights in the hall below.
He opened the door, and Vronsky went into the stall, faintly lit by one little window.
Friedrich turned to look over his shoulder as he hurried along the faintly lit trail.
It came out, cold and amber clear, and his eyes lighted faintly.