Suddenly I became aware that light was descending on us from above.
Although the day had been bright, a soft misty light descended over the water as the sun began to go down.
The muted light of evening had descended.
The implacable cold light of those thousands of suns descended upon him and knocked him groveling to his knees.
Cardinal watched the red lights descend the hill, throbbing now and then as Laroche tapped the brakes.
It was as though a white light descended on him, burning out all detail.
Watching the floor-level lights descend above the elevator door, Jake's respect for Connor doubled.
The next morning, blue lights descend from the sky, mesmerizing anyone who looks at them.
At 6:25 the familiar red light came into view and slowly descended from the sky.
She goes back to the matrix table and lights descend again.