In his salon of a studio, where feet went up on the table and lights often dangled carelessly into the frame, Cavett presided over discussions among the most interesting people around-including authors like Norman Mailer and Truman Capote-that were undirected, unhurried, often intellectual, and always intelligent.
The lights still dangle from rafter to rafter, unplugged and sheathe in dust, and often it seems that if you squint your eyes just slightly on moonlit nights like this, you can see the ghosts of martyrs to democracy dancing with the spirits of their widows.
The night dew and the light of the dawn dangled from the leaves of the olive tree opposite: the whole tree laughed.
He'd painted the walls black and covered the windows with duct tape and a light-blocking tarp; a red light dangled over a makeshift table along the far wall.
A judge from Virtual Tourist justified Federation Square's ranking on the ugly list claiming that: "Frenzied and overly complicated, the chaotic feel of the complex is made worse by a web of unsightly wires from which overhead lights dangle."
A giant light with all sorts of strange accouterments dangled over the operating table.
You, erratic and impulsive self that you are, feel that the light over the downs there emerging, dangles from the future.