City streets are always wet, lights at night drunkenly blurred, lonely people shadowed and walking away.
The platform lights rushed in from the opposite side of the carriage, and long blurs gradually became Greek holiday posters.
There was a light mist and the blue lights along the taxi strips blurred into a dull glow before disappearing completely.
For a moment, the lights in the corridor blurred before Cry- sania's eyes.
The northern lights can blur the border between dream world and waking life.
Across the street, the lights of the Bolshoi blurred as tears filled her eyes.
The light was blurring, but she managed to smile.
Vladimirov said, his hand slamming down on the map-table, so that the lights joggled and blurred for a moment.
Now, the bright lights blurred in his eyes.
He found pleasure in the curve of it, sighed as the fading light blurred it.