There was a clunk and a judder and the lift passed a marker for the first floor.
But it is common in the industry for ski areas to give free lift passes to people who are 70 and older.
Volunteers greet guests and give ski tours around the mountain two days a week during the season and receive free lift passes for the season.
Six-day lift passes for £79 can be purchased at mountain stations.
This can often be seen at the bottom of ski lifts, especially where there are more entry gates (for checking lift passes) than seats on each lift.
The lift passed the very top of the straining fuel tower, passed open space, rising through a mostly solid landing.
The lift passed the eighteenth floor and continued up-wards.
The slow lift and fall of his breathing passed through his body to Dubornos' but gave no indication of his state of mind.
Day and two-day lift passes just for the Horn slopes are now available.
The lift passed the ground-floor level and made for the vault.