Another worker, Angelo Panama, 17, said that moments before the scaffolding came down, workers had been lifting material on a rope.
At times Shakespeare lifted material directly from Plutarch.
Inside the sheds, sparks fly everywhere, and a large crane arm lifts material to be smelted.
Weaver subsequently discovered that Land had also lifted material in previous broadcasts from other sources as well and passed them off as his own words.
Of more than 18,000 students surveyed, 38 percent said they had lifted material from the Internet for use in papers in the last year.
He lifted material from other newspapers and wire services.
Pitchfork (for lifting loose material such as hay)
In a further twist, there have been claims that the magazine lifted material from other magazines - there is a list on Facebook of alleged sources.
It shows the many watermills used in mining, such as the machine for lifting men and material into and out of a mine shaft, see image.
For example, lifting solar material from the surface of the Sun to infinity requires 2.1 x 10 J/kg.