The imagery looks like it was lifted from an antique children's book, and it is painted with an economical yet sensuous touch on unprimed linen.
She assumed an injured air as they came in, never lifted her eyes from her book, or asked a single question.
Two of them can be found on any newsstand: the magazine titles Vanity Fair and House Beautiful are lifted straight from his book.
My mother never lifted her eyes from her book.
The lady never lifted her eyes from her book, or her head from her hand.
CYRANO (without lifting his eyes from his book): And your white scarf?
Freddy said, without lifting his eyes from his book: "Don't worry, Sis, he's able to look after himself."
Even Latimer had lifted his eyes from his book and stared in wonder.
In a high stone house in Landin, by a driftwood fire, Alia Pasfal lifted her head suddenly from her book.
Ruth "lifted her eyes from her book and stared boldly at me.