Palmer had more to say about the decision of William Johnson, the club chairman, to allow past champions a lifetime exemption again.
The Governor also urged today that the state raise its lifetime exemption on gift taxes to $600,000 from the current $115,000.
The giver's lifetime exemption of $1 million is for gifts beyond, not including, that annual limit.
The British Open has granted lifetime exemptions to its champions until age 65.
If additional gifts are likely to exceed the 2001 lifetime exemption of $675,000, postpone them until next year, when the maximum rises to $1 million.
Previous United States Open champions, who once had lifetime exemptions, should get them again.
Apple just needs to get a permanent license or lifetime exemption from a $10mil or so settlement and be done with it.
The second is in the form of a "lifetime exemption."
With our technological ability to keep track of Americans' overseas travel there should be a cumulative lifetime exemption.
This win gave him a lifetime exemption on the tour, at the age of 44.