While at the last he discovered the music of Haydn, which became his lifelong study.
How, then, does someone not interested in making wine a lifelong study pick out a decent bottle?
It was the result of this lifelong study of the natural world and his devotion to empirical evidence that he became an atheist.
Here, too, he embarked on his lifelong study of mechanics.
He also made a lifelong study of Communism and repeatedly warned against turning the cold war into a religious crusade.
I figure ballistics must be a lifelong study of yours.
Eugene Halliday made a lifelong study of art, religion, philosophy, psychology and science.
It was during this time that he began his lifelong study of vibration and its effects on materials, particularly bridges.
I have never seen nor heard of such a device, and I have made weather a lifelong study.
I've made it a lifelong study, developed my own techniques that often succeed where standard methods fail.