These two women become lifelong partners, spending almost their entire adult lives together.
Once both sides agree to a "deal", they become lifelong partners and continue to improve and expand the product.
The moms had to balance their careers and raise their children while trying to find a lifelong partner.
The latter was to become Cage's lifelong partner and collaborator.
High expectations have been Johnson's lifelong partner and have kept him from enjoying some of his accomplishments.
Now the scientist stood bent and forlorn, staring at the object of his lifelong partner's death.
In the late 1950s, a woman named Teri Shepherd became her manager and lifelong partner.
The animal's lifelong partner picked up a handful of dirt, knelt, and spread it gently over the beautiful body.
Though never married, they have remained lifelong partners.
Banke became his lifelong partner and co-manager of their wine businesses.