This task became his lifelong mission and his philosophical journey.
Thus he has concluded his lifelong mission and his epic journey.
One Tree Hill star Sophia Bush is only 26, but for her, good health is a lifelong mission.
Again they are very cheap, according to his lifelong mission, so poor people can also buy scientific and literary books.
McWhorter's advocacy for Indian rights against the oppression of the US government was a lifelong mission.
It's a lifelong mission," he said, "to keep this place alive.
We were committed as a family to social change, that as a result our lives were better and stronger and therefore it became a lifelong mission.
For Cecil, his lifelong mission has been to nurture talent and encourage creativity, particularly in places where the apartheid government had deliberately excluded this possibility.
Her lifelong mission has been to counter fundamentalist hypocrisy in any form, but she admits she'd now like to resolve the conflict with her mother.
Mies pursued an ambitious lifelong mission to create a new architectural language that could be used to represent the new era of technology and production.