The stepsisters became lifelong lovers and artistic collaborators.
As lifelong lovers of Spanish food, we were delighted to find boquerones on the menu.
They met in Greenwich Village, and the two became lifelong lovers, although both became involved with other lovers throughout their relationship.
They became lifelong lovers.
Martin reminds us that Boswell was theatrical by temperament, a lifelong lover of the stage and a self-conscious spectator of his own life and adventures.
Davenport was also a lifelong lover of animals and of country living; the family raised horses, fancy poultry and other animals.
Mr Thomas, a lifelong lover of wildlife, bought his first camera in 2007.
The end becomes almost bathetic, as the lifelong lovers are reunited before her death (at 44, a probable suicide).
A lifelong lover of clothes, I have discovered this week that I am not yet anything like a Fashion Person.
A lifelong lover of the theater, Mr. Morley came from thoroughbred theatrical stock.