Generally this gives them more lifelike appearance and movement.
Mannequins were later made of wax to produce a more lifelike appearance.
His flesh had the inert, plastic feel of the recently dead, so at odds with the lifelike appearance.
These sets, while costly, offer the viewer a picture with the highest resolution and provide the most lifelike appearance.
The new doll is larger and has a more lifelike appearance than the original dolls.
Although this style now had a three-dimensional body, the square edges didn't give the bird a fully lifelike appearance.
An embalmer may prepare the corpse for a lifelike appearance.
Later examples show less effort at a lifelike appearance, and often show the subject in a coffin.
The rope lost its lifelike appearance as the end came down with a final thwack.
With all its lifelike appearance, the head was no more than a mechanical contrivance wired for sound.