Both beaches have picnic areas, grills, children's playgrounds and lifeguard stands.
Except, maybe, for that silver-haired guy over there on the lifeguard stand.
After morning workouts, lifeguards then sit up on the lifeguard stand and ready themselves for a long day.
A minute's walk across the sand from the complex's rear gates, the waves roll in gently and there are three lifeguard stands.
"We've always gone to the left of the lifeguard stand," said Loraine Boyle, a longtime summer resident.
There's no ill feelings between people who sit on one side of the lifeguard stand or the other.
With thinned ranks, the older guards spend more time on the lifeguard stand and less holding the clipboard.
I ask, squinting toward a barely visible lifeguard stand.
I'm on the beach near the last lifeguard stand.
He reaches the deserted lifeguard stand, but decides to go a little farther.